It was the day two cultures came together. Headteachers from our project in Nigeria came to see for themselves what our schools in the Louth area look like. They  told us a little of their lives and we told them about ours.  Of course, there was still some time for dancers and drumming.

CLICK HERE to listen to what happened and what teachers think about this project
Or you can Download this audio (right click and save)

To get us all started on the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ journey, here is a simple activity that we can all do with our classes.

Simply think of one or two things which fit this question… anything goes… the children can then if possible, post their responses as comments and they can then read the thoughts of their global friends.

I know mine…”The heartbeat of an animal which is not human”

It is a curious one…but definitely something that I personally have never heard!

Mr Watson

(East Wold Primary UK)

Welcome to the Mvoakraba Cluster Blog:

Connecting classrooms in UK, Uganda and Nigeria

More content to follow soon….